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driver safety BC

A Look at Some Shift into Winter Face Time

Our ministry staff join forces with local Commercial Vehicle Safety Enforcement officers, maintenance contractors, ICBC, RCMP and emergency responders on BC highways to remind drivers about preparing for winter driving, and hand out some helpful items. As hundreds of vehicles drove through these highway stops, they were provided with information about the importance of good winter tires and winter driving tips.

What it Takes to Keep Bridges Upstanding and Safe

Bridge Area Managers keep 2,973 bridges (plus tunnels, retaining walls, culverts and overhead signs) upstanding and safe, in British Columbia. The job offers a great deal of autonomy but that comes with a far greater responsibility, as bridge failures are almost always a catastrophic event. The work requires bridge area managers to get wet, to work in enclosed spaces or from high ledges and to clamber, climb and crawl in all sorts of weather conditions. Documentation and deductive reasoning are part of the job.