Upgrading a Critical Link to Lax Kw’alaams – A Story in Photos

In spring 2016, Tuck Inlet Road was a gravel route connecting the ferry landing at Tuck Inlet, to the village of Lax Kw’alaams, 17.5 km northwest. It’s a different story now.

The road is critically important to Lax Kw’alaams’ approximately 820 Tsimshian First Nations residents, as the village can only be reached by water or air. It’s their link to supplies, services and people coming into Lax Kw’alaams, and to medical care, education, economic opportunities and people, places and events beyond their community.

Avalanche Closure Time Cut by Explosive Innovation

The Kootenay Pass avalanche team wanted to shorten road closures due to avalanche control, because at the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure our biggest drive is to keep people and goods moving efficiently and safely along BC highways. When the new avalanche explosion hardware and software were installed in 2015, BC became the first Gazex system user in the world, to not only suggest this change, but to incorporate new software successfully into an existing system.