The small settlement of Wonowon, 85 kilometres north of Fort St. John, now has its own luminaires.
Not to be confused with “luminaries” (famous, accomplished people) luminaires are light standards which rise up about nine metres, then arch over to illuminate the roadway below. They give additional light at certain intersections, or other spots where extra driver attention is needed, along B.C.’s provincial highways.

The luminaires at Wonowon improve safety and visibility for students and teachers at the local elementary school alongside the Alaska Highway. From there, about 20 more luminaires line a 600-metre stretch of the highway north through the community and end at Wonowon’s gas station, food store and motel. This section of road is frequently travelled by pedestrians, cyclists and motorized vehicles.
Formerly called Blueberry, the community’s name of Wonowon reflects its location on Mile 101 of the Alaska Highway. With luminaires lighting the way through Wonowon, moving about has become safer for residents and highway travellers alike. The ministry installed the new lighting as one of several illuminating improvements in the north, last fall.
Darkness come early and stays late in this northerly community, but whenever it’s dark out, the luminaires will shine on in Wonowon.
TranBC Trivia: Luminaires are also referred to as cobra head lights. Do you see the resemblance?
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