Talk About an Information Highway – Open 511 meets DriveBC


BC highway condition and event information is wide open.

Open511 that is.

That’s right. Valuable highway information (or data) such as: road closures and construction work, is now available to you as Open511– DriveBC.

What will you do with all this great data? We’re excited to find out.

What is Open511?

Open511 stems from the open data movement, which is basically the idea that certain data should be available in a standard format for everyone to use and republish without restriction. By encouraging the open sharing of our data, we hope to see the creation of new ideas and new tools that will prove invaluable to BC highway travellers.

The core components of Open511 are:

Open511-DriveBC is the first Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Application Programming Interface (API) released by the province with data licensed under the Open Government License. You can find government data set information (and more information on open data in BC) at DataBC.

What does Open511 mean for you?

In a nutshell, Open511 means that any application or web developer can incorporate British Columbia’s provincial road event and condition information into their apps and that means seamless road event information for you.

Talk about an information highway – the potential for innovation is nearly unlimited!

With this important data in your hands, all that remains to be seen are the amazing things you will do with it. Looking for more information on this or any other transportation related question? Let us know in the comments below.

Want to learn more? Here’s some places to visit:

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Page 1 of 2 comments on “Talk About an Information Highway – Open 511 meets DriveBC”

Leave a Reply to tranbceditor Cancel reply

  1. Please do not direct information for driving to the Emergency Support Services line at 1-800-585-9559 we have no information about road conditions. We have had evacuees tell us you are sending them to this help line.
    Thanks Pam
    ESS Call Centre

    • Hi there Pam – thanks for your message. We’ve looked over our messaging and can’t see your ESS number listed publicly, nor are we sure why MOTI would send folks to ESS unless we thought they needed more than highway info (which we will always direct to If you continue to have this issue – please ask where this info is being shared so we can track it down. Thanks again for letting us know and for all your hard work at this time. 🙂